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Jewel’s Bakery and Cafe is a Gem

signImagine for a minute that you get to eat everything on a menu, no gluten worries at all. Yes, you heard me right. What if everything on this board were gluten-free and yummy? Well, I had a chance to enter nirvana earlier today, otherwise known as Jewel’s Bakery and Cafe, a 100% gluten-free cafe that recently opened in Phoenix. Wow, I was in heaven.


Yup, everything in there is gluten-free. Seriously. Thank goodness I’ve got a tiny bit of self-control or that case would be empty right now (except for those bacon ones on the bottom. Not for this veg head.) I grabbed an Almond Joy cupcake, yellow cake with chocolate ganache, then coconut icing on top, then coconut. Oh man…I’m in love.


These little beauties were calling me also, but I held back. I decided to grab a grilled veggie sandwich on a gluten-free ciabatta roll. Yes, you heard that right. The roll was sublime, so light, so tasty, I actually forgot I was eating gluten-free for a moment. The sandwich was topped with pesto and a ton of grilled veggies including onions and zucchini, but get this-there were roasted fresh beets on this sandwich! Yes, I am now a customer for life. I love roasted beets and this is the first veggie sandwich I’ve ever had with roasted beets. It was awesome-and I don’t throw that word around very much.

Ok, on top of all this, they have little donut holes, breakfast and even a brunch menu on the weekends. Check out the site if you’re in the area. Also, here are a few photos of the adorable spot, decorated with charm and style. Tucked into an unassuming strip of normal shops, this little cafe has comfortable chairs, eclectic designs and lots of windows letting in natural light and making it feel open and inviting. And best of all, it doesn’t empty out your wallet. I had the fantastic grilled veggie sandwich and the cupcake for just $10. Really. GF seems to break the bank lately so it was refreshing to not have to take out a loan to eat there. Try it, you won’t be disappointed, I promise! And look for me, it’s my new hangout for sure.


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CPK gives it another try, and I am so glad

On a visit to California Pizza Kitchen yesterday with my mother, I was shocked to see a little card on the table announcing the new gluten-free pizza at CPK. Now, if you remember, I did a post on CPK’s recent attempt at gluten-free pizza and I quite liked it. But I was disappointed when it was removed from the menu. On the plus side, I heard from a manager there that it was removed because they could not ensure that it was gluten-free once it came out of the kitchen and they wanted to do it right. I admired that..but I missed the pizza.

Fast forward to yesterday. I asked the server about the pizza and he brought an information card explaining that only four pizzas can be ordered that are guaranteed to be GF. Anything else is iffy. Depending on how severe your allergy/preference is, he said, you can make your choice. (He shared that he was wheat/soy sensitive and understood) I appreciated his interest and when I read the card, it was quite obvious that CPK had done its homework this time.

photo 1

We ordered the margarita pizza since all my other options had meat on them. I didn’t want to rock the boat and start modifying anything, I just wanted to try some pizza.

photo 3

Whoa! It was so pretty when it came out, and so tasty. The crust is chewy and a bit crunchy. The center needs a bit more cook time, but that can be remedied. What I loved, other than the pizza taste and the fact that I can now eat something other than a salad at one of my favorite restaurants, was that for $14.75, it was big enough for mom and I to have two pieces each and there were still two pieces to bring home for my daughter. Daughter was pleased, and so was I, that there was no soy in the crust, meaning she could come back and have it with me another time.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think. If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know my obsession with finding a good GF pizza. This is quite good, although the pizza in New York is still my favorite, this one is quite good.

Head over to CPK right now and you can buy a $25 gift card and get a bonus $5 gift card for free. Then come back for pizza! You’re welcome.



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There’s a New Biscuit in Town!

1403502_679299312114634_1420816459_oIt felt like an early Christmas the other day when a box appeared on my doorstep. Even better-inside I found gluten-free pie crust, gluten-free cinnamon crumb cake and best of all, gluten-free biscuits. That’s right, real biscuits like your mom used to make before you had to start eating those biscuits that don’t taste like biscuits anymore. The box was a gift from Grandma’s House, a gluten-free bakery that only sells in eight mid-western states right now, and online. Although the company’s gluten-free items are not available for sale in AZ right now, they are available online. I hear they are in talks with a certain store in Mesa that we love, but nothing concrete right now so I’m not saying anything.

So, on to the food… I first made biscuits and oh man! these are marvelous. They actually have that biscuit feel, like the kind I used to get in North Carolina when I lived there many years ago. They beg for a bit of butter and honey, although I heard my husband say he wanted some sausage gravy for it. (Since I eat neither sausage nor gravy, he’s on his own there.) But trust me, you won’t be disappointed in the fluffy, deliciousness that comes out of the oven. Nice and crispy on the outside and soft and aromatic on the inside.

The pie crust was just as good. It even looked hand-pinched around the edges. Since I had a few pies to make, we used a GF crust from Whole Foods as well and Grandma’s was definitely the better of the two. And since it’s not too sweet, I’m thinking it would be even better with a Quiche in it. And I haven’t had a good Quiche crust in a long time.

I haven’t made the crumb cake, I’m saving it for Christmas morning. It looks too yummy to waste on an ordinary day. I’ll keep you posted on that.

Thanks again to Grandma’s for sending the goodies my way for review. (Disclosure: I did not purchase the items, but other than the items, I was not compensated for this review.)

Since we all know how hard it’s been to find GF goods, I recommend giving these biscuits a try. Keep a look out for them and hopefully they’ll be in stores in AZ soon. I’ll let you know as soon as I know. Unfortunately, shipping frozen items can be expensive (although right now it’s quite cold out there). But if you really, really want biscuits, definitely get these. I want more in my freezer since I’m already craving them in the morning. The cost is not high for them, and in the gluten-free world, that is a treat.

PS (I would have photos of what I cooked, but it seems it was all eaten first. I have one biscuit left, and once again I am hoarding it. Shhhh I’ll take a photo and post it when I make it.)

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GF (SF, NF) Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Although many people can’t wait to get out there and go shopping just after Thanksgiving, I find it much more enjoyable to stick around the house. I tend to read, watch a movie, work a bit, and of course-bake something. Now that Daughter is soy free, nut free, and GF, cooking and baking just got a bit more complicated, but I love a challenge.

I found a wonderful recipe by Gluten Free in Orlando for GF Mexican Chocolate Banana Muffins and I was inspired. I lived in Gainesville, FL for a few years and love Central Florida. It’s beautiful and the weather is quite lovely most of the year. I’m homesick when I read her blogs, and I get hungry since she has a lot of great ideas and recipes. Today, there were two bananas on the counter dying a slow death and waiting to be used.

But…you know how you want to make something and then you get in the kitchen and you don’t have everything you need to make that thing and you have to decide should I improvise, go to the store, or just forget it? Here I was in the kitchen pondering just that. Of course, improvise is the obvious choice. It’s an adventure, right?

Orlando’s recipe calls for Gluten Free Pantry’s All Purpose Flour mix. I only had Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Biscuit and Baking Mix. Orlando’s recipe calls for Tazo Mexican chocolate, I have only Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips. Orlando specifies four bananas mashed in her recipe, I have two. Still doable? You bet!

There’s nothing wrong with giving something a try, right? We won’t talk about the GF stuffing that pretty much bombed on Thanksgiving and will definitely not be making a repeat appearance. But the point is, don’t be afraid to experiment. These muffins came out amazing. They are a bit more substantial than a cupcake, which is what I like in a muffin. They are chewy, dense, full of flavor and I will definitely be making them again. Judging by the fact that Daughter has eaten 6 mini muffins already, and they are still warm, I’d say they were a success.

So, here is the recipe I used, which is just a bit different than Orlando’s. Go to her recipe and give hers a try, I imagine they are a bit lighter and have a bit more banana flavor. I’ll definitely try her recipe when I’ve got a few more bananas and Bob’s All Purpose Flour on hand.

photo 3

GF Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

1 1/2 C Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Biscuit and Baking Mix
2/3 C sugar (I use organic cane sugar)
1  tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp cinnamon
8 T (1 stick) unsalted butter — melted
1 large egg
1/4 C half and half (Orlando called for milk, but all I had was half and half. Use milk if you have it)
1 C mashed bananas — about 2 large bananas
2 TBS fresh orange juice (Juice of one small orange)
1 tsp GF vanilla extract
3/4 cup Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray mini muffin pans with cooking spray.
2. Melt the butter in a bowl in the microwave and set aside to cool.
3. Whisk together baking mix, sugar, baking powder, baking soda,  salt, and cinnamon in a separate bowl.
4. In another bowl, beat the egg, milk, mashed bananas, orange juice, vanilla, and butter.
5. Add banana mixture to the flour mixture.  Do not over mix.  Stir in the chips.
6. Fill muffin pans. (I used mini muffins, just like Orlando did, but you can make these bigger if you want. Just up the baking time and watch them.)
7.  Bake for 15 minutes. Keep a watch since they will brown pretty quickly.
Makes about 30 mini muffins. I added a bit of water to two of the empty muffin spots to keep the muffins moist while cooking. I baked mine for 15 minutes and they were quite done.


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Gluten-Free Pear/Apple Tart

When I found Pillsbury’s Pie Crust on sale recently, I couldn’t resist getting a few to freeze for the holidays. But when I wanted a treat for company tonight, I decided to break one out early. This is so easy to make and will amaze your friends at how great it is. As soon as my husband tried it he said, “Did  you take a photo of this for your blog? This is amazing!”



Gluten-Free Pear/Apple Tart

1/2 carton Pillsbury’s Pie Crust

1 1/2 apples (I used Honeycrisp)

1 1/2 pears (I used Bartlet)

1/2 cup sugar

Pinch of salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 TBS butter

3 TBS apricot jam

2 TBS apple juice or Amaretto


1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

2. Cut the pie crust dough in half and save one half back in the fridge.

3. Knead the dough for just about a minute to warm it up and soften it up, but not too long.

4. Roll out the dough to about the thickness of very thin pizza. Roll it between two pieces of parchment paper or else it sticks like crazy to the rolling pin.

5. Peel off the top layer of the dough when you are finished, then cut it to the shape you want. Go ahead and patch it in places to make a square or rectangle. If it helps, trace the shape of the plate on the back of one piece of parchment so you know how big to make it.

6. Keep the tart shell on the other piece of parchment and just put that on a baking sheet with low sides (It will drip so don’t use a flat cookie sheet)

7. Slice apples and/or pears thinly and layer them in any design you like. Just make them pretty even. I alternated pear/apple/pear etc. for fun. Go right up the edge of the dough.

8. Mix sugar and cinnamon, then sprinkle over the entire tart once you’ve lined up all your fruit. Sounds like a lot of sugar, but it’s a treat, right? You can use a little less if you want, but you want the carmelization on top. Top with your pinch of salt to bring out the sweetness of the fruit. Trust me.

9. Dot the top with little bits of cold butter.

10. Bake in the oven for 20-29 minutes, depending on how thin you made it and how hot your oven gets. Keep watch on it. It may begin to drip and if that’s the case, you may want to take out the pan and pour off the excess juice. I did this once and it helped. If it gets dark around the edges, don’t worry. That’s the sugar.

11. While the tart is baking, put the jam and liquid in a pan and heat. I used Amaretto the first time and it was marvelous, but used apple juice the second time and it was also great. Your choice. Once it’s heated, pour through a strainer to get the chunks out.

12. Let the tart cool for about 5 minutes, then brush the glaze all over the tart. Let it cool a bit more and slice. It’s crispy, crunchy, chewy and delish!




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Gluten-Free Goldfish Don’t Float My Boat


Yes, I bought them. Who could pass up the opportunity to try a gluten-free version of one of the world’s most beloved snacks? When my daughter saw that Pepperidge Farm was making gluten-free goldfish crackers, we couldn’t wait to try them. Our first reaction when grabbing them from the bag…what a let down. Bummer of big proportions. (It’s not on their web page or I would link it for you.)

I love the fact that companies are trying to make gluten-free snacks and food in order to help those of us who can’t eat gluten. Yes, I know that so many of them are doing it purely for the cash, and this seems like a good example. These are nothing like a cracker and more like a strong, dense Cheese Doodle. The shape is like a fish (see above shot on the cover) but still the texture of a cheese puff more than a cracker. The flavor was too strong, the texture was a bit grainy and mealy and left my mouth with a strange taste and feeling.

A plea to those companies planning on making a GF version of their products – Please remember that just because we have to eat gluten free, that doesn’t mean we will eat anything. It doesn’t mean that we will eat something just because it’s gluten free. These are not Goldfish crackers. They are strangely shaped and textured cheese puffs. Yes, they are called puffs, but the insinuation with the shape and bag are Goldfish cracker.

Save your money and buy Pirate’s Booty. The aged white cheddar flavor is wonderful, light and tasty. But be careful, these are addictive and you won’t be able to stop. Especially when Costco sells the BIG bag.


If you want something like a goldfish cracker, I recommend Wellaby’s Cheese Ups. Crispy, cheesy, light bites of goodness. They are small and sport a cool triangle shape, but if you close your eyes, you might think you got hold of a little goldfish in there. I buy these at the local Safeway here in Phoenix. Keep looking and ask for them if you don’t find them. I love them that much!


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Quick and Easy GF Cinnamon Almond Streusel Cake

I woke up with a craving for breakfast cake this morning. I decided I would make something quick and easy, hoping there was cinnamon, nuts and cake mix in the cabinets. Yipee, it was there. Daughter woke up 30 minutes later and said, “I love when I wake up and there’s cake. Good morning to me!”cake

Cinnamon Almond Streusel Bundt Cake

1 box Cherrybrook Kitchen Vanilla Cake Mix
3 Large eggs
1 cup vanilla rice milk (or milk if you want)
1/2 cup olive oil
3 tsp GF vanilla extract
1/2 package vanilla instant pudding mix
Pinch of salt

Streusel Filling
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped almonds (I had a bag of slivered almonds from another recipe and just chopped them up) Use any nut that strikes your fancy.)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Spray a bundt pan with olive oil, or butter if you want. Set aside.(I have a great nonstick bundt pan)
3. Mix all ingredients for the cake in a large bowl. I just use a fork and mix for a minute or two till it’s all mixed together and smooth.
4. Mix streusel filling together in a bowl till crumbly and mixed together.
5. Pour 1/3 of mixture into bottom of cake pan and spread out.
6. Sprinkle 1/2 of streusel mix over cake mix. Cover with next 1/3 of cake mixture.
7. Sprinkle second 1/2 of streusel mix and cover with remaining cake batter, evening out with a spatula.
8. Bake 30-40 minutes or until golden brown on top.
9. Let cool for about 20 minutes before loosening with a knife around the edges and tipping over onto a plate.

I put a drizzle of glaze made from orange juice and powdered sugar once the cake was cooled. That’s optional, although it really is good.


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Spring in a Bowl – GF Asparagus Soup

Spring Asparagus Soup

Spring Asparagus Soup

I’m finding some of the most wonderful veggies in the markets and farmers markets these days. One of the wonderful things about living in AZ is that while most people are still shoveling themselves out of snowstorms, we’re wearing T-shirts and shopping local farmers markets for fresh, beautiful veggies. I picked up a few bunches of asparagus, I couldn’t resist, and since I was out all day I decided to whip up a quick soup. You can do this in about 30 minutes with very little prep work, just about all the work is simmering, and the outcome is a wonderful vibrant soup with a beautiful color to match.

Spring Asparagus Soup
1 bunch of fresh asparagus
3 cups vegetable broth
pinch of salt, pinch of turmeric

1. Break off the woody ends of the asparagus, then chop the rest into bit-sized pieces.
2. Place asparagus and about 1/2 cup broth in a sauce pan, bring to a boil and then lower heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
3. Add the rest of the broth and the spices, then simmer another 20 minutes until asparagus is soft.
4. Blend in batches (let it cool a bit and be careful).
5. Enjoy!

I know I’ve made something like this before, but I just had to share again since it’s so easy and I couldn’t resist the fresh flavors. I actually made this two days in a row. On the second day, I sautéed a sweet onion and added it to the soup just before blending. I also added a pinch of smoked paprika since I had it. Yum! I highly recommend this since it’s quick, easy and oh so tasty. Serve with GF crackers, bread or just eat it as is. You can also garnish with a few slivered almonds for crunch and taste.

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GF Oatmeal Chocolate-chip Cookies-Yum!

GF Oatmeal Chocolate-chip Cookies

GF Oatmeal Chocolate-chip Cookies

With a bag of GF oats and a craving for a cookie, I began scouring the Internet for a recipe that included only what I had in the house. I found a few recipes online and did what I do best – I reworked the recipes and viola… quick, irresistible GF, oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.

Gluten-free, Oatmeal Chocolate-chip Cookies

4 1/2 cups gluten-free old-fashioned oats (I used Bob’s Redmill)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
2 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cup Baker’s sugar
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons GF vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor, grind 1 1/2 cups oats into a fine meal. Mix together ground oats, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg and baking powder.

2. In another large bowl, beat butter and sugars until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Still mixing, gradually add oat mixture until combined. Fold in chocolate chips and remaining oats.

3. Scoop dough in mounds onto a parchment-lined baking sheet, 2 inches apart (about 11/2 TBS each). Bake until cookies are golden brown at edges about 12 minutes, turning halfway through for even cooking. Let cool on pan for 2 minutes, then transfer to rack.

Enjoy! This makes about 4-5 dozen cookies, depending on how big you make them.

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Filed under baking, Bob's Red Mill, chocolate, cookies, dessert, Enjoy Life Chocolate, gluten free, oats, Uncategorized, vegetarian

Beet greens and a pinch of smoked paprika

Beet greens with smoked paprika

I love finding beets at the farmers market and today was no different. I bought some lovely white beets today and couldn’t resist roasting them in the oven right away. But what to do with all those greens attached to the top of the beets? Normally, Daughter’s bearded dragon and our two dogs get the greens. Today, I decided to saute the greens and see how they were. I’ve never actually had beet greens before, but everyone assured me they were wonderful and you know what? They were right! They were not as bitter as I thought they would be. Instead, they were crunchy, mild, and bursting with fresh flavor. Something like a cross between collard greens and spinach is the best I can describe it.

I roasted the beets in a 350-degree oven for about 45 minutes with olive oil, salt and pepper. That’s it. Nothing fancy, but the sugars in the beets begins to caramelize and sweeten the beets until they are so yummy and buttery in flavor. The white beets are deceptive since they look just like a potato when cooked, but taste like a beet.

I sauteed the greens with just a touch of olive oil, salt, pepper and a pinch of smoked paprika. Oh my, what a flavor and kick. The paprika was given to me by a good friend in California and I’ve been using a little at a time with greens or beans. I knew the paprika would add just the right flavor and I was right. It gave it a smokey, earthy flavor. (Make sure to use just a pinch if you try this. A little too much and it’s very overpowering) I originally thought the greens would be more bitter and the paprika would mask it, but there was no need to worry. They were lovely, crunchy and perfect. Unfortunately there wasn’t more…

The moral of this story? Don’t be afraid to try something new. You never know. I’m hooked on beet greens now and can’t wait for Saturday’s market. I’m looking forward to candy cane, white and golden beets, as well as the load of greens they’ll provide.


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